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“参”起来! 无限战力,唯你独尊!

DM CHIKARA 是男士专用的健康食品。日本的配方,它含有12种天然成分,包括多种矿物质、人参、印度人参、奶蓟草、南瓜籽提取物、等等。


服用 CHIKARA 后你会有什么感觉?
  • 精神、专注力、工作效率大量提升, 忙碌整天也不会容易觉得累 💪
  • 人比较放松,没那么紧绷。看起来更有自信!💪
  • 夜尿次数减少,小便顺畅了许多!睡眠品质也更加好! 排尿更加顺畅🚽
  • 晚上的表现、耐力、性欲加强加强加强!现在天天幸福好表现❤️‍🔥
CHIKARA 最主要的功能是?
  1. 促进肝脏健康
  2. 促进前列腺的健康
  3. 增强肌肉和肌肉量
  4. 激欲 和 强精
  5. 舒缓压力

100% 全天然和拥有临床验证的成分

💎 Dorika Maho™ – 促进《身体对成分的吸收》和 《提升产品效果至最佳》的纳米技术。 含有 60多种 水溶性的 矿物质和微量元素。


🌱 人参 - 闻名超过 5000 年的传统草药!帮助提升能量水平、体能、减少疲劳。


🌱 印度人参 (KSM-66®) - 闻名全印度的传统医学草药! 帮助调节男性睾丸水平。促进男士性健康、肌肉量和减压。


🌱 奶蓟草 – 被信赖和应用超过2000年的草药。用来保护肝脏免受毒素侵害。


🌱 南瓜籽提取物 常用来维护前列腺的健康,和促进排尿顺畅


🌱 西兰花提取物、寡糖、梅子、黑醋栗、山莓、Pureway-C™ 高抗氧化、抗炎、增加维生素和矿物质、天然调味料。


CHIKARA 最主要的成分是 DORIKA MAHO是富含60 多种水溶性矿物质和微量元素。


⚠️86% of DM 用户在使用后 1-2 个月内获得健康的改善(平均)


经过日本 24 年的科研突破,这个纳米技术提高了 CHIKARA 成分的吸收率,让效果达到最佳的水平。 现在无需 4 个月才看到效果,只需短短30天!


DM CHIKARA 是液体状,小袋条状。撕开即喝!味道是浓浓的人参和浆果味。 劲好喝!劲方便!劲到爆!


每天饭前或饭后,1-2 条。白天服用。


  • 无添加额外糖分、无胆固醇
  • 无激素、无药物、无化学成分
  • 无人工调味剂、色素、防腐剂
  • 无基因改造
  • 适合素食者


  • MeSTI、 GMP、 HACCP 认证
  • SGS 认证 无激素、无药物、无人造防腐剂
  • SGS 认证不含重金属和微生物
  • 2022年 保护消费者企业品牌认证

DM CHIKARA 有 71 个评价

  1. Kent Tan

    Was having doubt to make purchase because worry it won’t work like many others in the market. Glad I have tried it, now I’m consistently taking it. Really good Japanese product.

  2. Tze Ying

    My dad said he no longer feel pain when pee…. He is on his 3rd box now…. Looks more energetic than before also. Chikara deserves good rating 👍👍👍

  3. Foong JY

    Thanks for the father’s day promotion. Bought the 3 boxes bundle. Good for price

  4. Hong

    比以往颗粒状和粉状的方便多了。像饮料一样,重点是多合一功能,真的适合不喜欢天天要吃很多种的人。ho Liao 👍

  5. Lin KS


  6. Jane Yeap

    Bought for my dad 2 weeks ago, and he loves it. Jst a week I can see he is not visiting toilet as much as last time ald. bagus, memang deserve 5 stars

  7. Yusuf

    Terbaikkkk 👍👍👍 Barang sampai dalam keadaan selamat.

  8. Lim

    真心好喝,效果不错,可以感觉到有分别。然后精神真的好很多很多,会再买来喝 👍

  9. Michael

    Second time repeat 😁 It really works for me.. very2 recommend 👍👍👍

  10. Tyler Ting


  11. Timmy Choong

    I tried this one already. It is really good… you have any trial packs for the orange and pink one also?

  12. Lydia

    Can my child 15 year old take this?

  13. Martin

    Saw the ads in FB. Thank you Rennie for your consultation. I’m satisfied with the Chikara and Dorika Maho combination. A lot improvements 🙏

  14. Aziz

    Penghantaran yang pantas. Kualiti pun baik! Tqvm

  15. Leow HS

    以前我的夜尿是每晚 2 到 3 次。现在是 每晚一次。我才喝了 CHIKARA 少过一个月。

  16. Zikri

    barang ni cun! mesti cuba

  17. Jay

    received the products in 3 days, delivery fast. just tried one sachet, taste ok

  18. Jack


  19. Tiong

    The taste is very nice. This is my first time trying this product. Already take 1 week. Results for me so far okay la, consider good! Already feel different.

  20. Eddie Yap

    之前在phamacy 买过一次,前天去断货了。还好网上还有货

  21. Spencer

    I took a lot of supplements, but cannot help. My friends introduced me CHIKARA. So I try!
    It did enhance my energy, my stamina one whole day. I work until 9, 10, 11, 12pm without tiredness.
    For stamina, as in my Zumba class, I can continue to dance for one hour, one and a half hour non-stop. Can recover breath very fast!
    For manhood. To me. Individual ah. To me. 10 days I can see the results. Maybe because I got exercise. 10 days Long lasting, stamina, improve! That’s why I love CHIKARA.

  22. Chong Mun Kok

    Amazing product! Highly recommend! 👍

  23. TB Hoong

    我今年51 岁。这个产品对我有效。

  24. Ellian Chan

    Skip vitamin C, skip milk thistle, skip multi-minerals, skip pumpkin seed, skin ginaeng and herbs, now I only need Chikara. Worth for price 👍

  25. Lee CK

    Seen the review here and placed order for 3 boxes straight. Used for only a month now but no regret. Totally recommended.

  26. David Ong

    my third time buying ,very gud! 👌💯 packaging also gud, thank u very much 😊😊

  27. chewjun

    Fast shipping. Good packing. Expiry date long. Good product.

  28. LiTing

    买了给我爸爸的夜尿问题。才喝了2个星期,他跟我说他小便次数少了。以后会继续购买。希望你们可以给我们这些忠实顾客更多 promotion

  29. James Soo

    Fast delivery. Received in good condition. It reduce my tiredness.

  30. Janice

    Nice packaging, first time purchase for my hubby. Will repurchase if it is good.

  31. Raahim

    Really effective as described. Wife surrender terus setelah hampir satu jam kena. Product is good!

  32. Loh

    On March 19th, I started taking Chikara before lunch, and after dinner I took the second pack and then went to sleep in the middle of the night. After 3 years, my (brother) is standing up!

  33. Eddie

    Got it as a gift. Now coming to place order 👍 thanks to Gary

  34. Alex

    They say this product can help sexual enhancement. A lot of product also say like this., but this one is really enhancing! Must try.

  35. Wai Lee Wong

    I don’t like ginseng and herbs taste, but this Chikara blend the taste so well. Acceptable, can take it everyday also wont feel geli

  36. Faisal A.

    Order hari isnin, sampai hari khamis. Tk

  37. Calvin

    This product really not bad. The desire…. chikara really pumps up the drive

  38. Othmar

    It helps especially with my prostate. The times I go to the toilet before bed has reduced by about 2 to 3 weeks. I’m very impressed because this issue is something I have once sought medical help for. And Chikara works like a miracle!

  39. Siti Idah

    Belikan untuk hubby. Before ni pernah guna, sgt best hubby kata. Tahan lama. Thank you

  40. Amir

    review kat sini kata lebih kurang 2-3 minggu boleh nampak result, memang tepat sekali. bagi saya juga lebih kurang 3 minggu. hampir habis satu kotak sekarang

  41. Kenneth Chong

    Love this to the max. So convenient for frequent traveler like me. Keep me full of energy even on hectic schedule. For drinker, must try ya 😉

  42. Zhang Wei

    I buy 3 boxes this supplement for this Maho Chikara ,oredi can see results in a f ew days. i like it ,now need to take every day

  43. Seng Tak

    Parcel delayed. Took 7 days to arrive East Malaysia. Pls improve your logistic especially for East Malaysia.

  44. Siowjoe


  45. Aaron Kong


  46. Mohd Fakrie

    Nampak ads dia kat FB. Dulu I sudah guna Dorika Maho selama 1 tahun. Ada produk baru ni mesti cuba. Sedap dan berkesan. Terbaik tim dorika.

  47. Edmund

    当我的朋友介绍我这个产品 CHIKARA。我一开始觉得我不需要啦。因为自己已经很厉害了,都没有那一方面的问题。结果一 try, 才知道它的厉害!它是帮到我的 sensation。那个快感真的不一样!

  48. B.H. Ong

    Received items in good shape within 3 days. good seller. thanks for the voucher.

  49. King


  50. 铭荣


  51. Danny Chia Shih Jie

    Not sure is it coz of holiday, took almost 6 days to be delivered. Luckily not 7 days next day I’m going for my honeymoon.

  52. Mamat

    Kotak kemek sikit tapi barang ok. Sudah cuba 4 hari, ada sikit improve. Overall bagus. Boleh cuba yang lain

  53. Wong Bee Chuan

    Recommended by my BIL, now I know why he likes it so much 😂

  54. Tony Kok

    2022年11月刚刚推出时成为他们的第一批用户,现在我爸爸,弟弟,哥哥,姐夫都在喝。真的有效,多功能合一不是吹的 👍 请保持这么好的产品质量 🙏

  55. Terry Lee


  56. Muhammad B.

    Kali ketiga order Chikara, Miryoku dan Mamoru. Harap ada membership atau loyalty program dari Dorika Maho

  57. Clarice Yeong


  58. Simon Mak

    My friend only tell me this is good, and thumbs up. I try, I see results in about 1 week lah. Must be patient. But results very good

  59. 真的很不错一下。1 包就看到效果了。在公司坐着都会突然硬。做工什么都没想,还要冷静自己下来。如果长期都有效,是不错的哦。

  60. Ang Yong Kuen

    客服很好👍 货运遗失马上就补发。值得好评

  61. Haoye

    A game changer for my energy levels. High recommend!

  62. Amir

    6 days only receive. They need to change courier. Hopefully the product helps

  63. 杰明

    没想到这么好喝,还以为味道会乖乖应为有两种人参,但是那个 prune and berries 的味道把人参味中和到很好

  64. Daniel Soh

    有点小贵,不过货真价实👍 还好第一次买有优惠

  65. Chee Kai Ming

    Recently felt my muscle gain is much better as compared to last time, even my coach felt so. Now I take it as my fitness diet routine. Totally recommended for anyone with fitness goal, try it to believe it.

  66. John


  67. Angeline Ang

    我老公喜欢,不错喝,价格对我来说有点小贵,但是真的可以看到有进步 good overall

  68. Kim Tan


  69. Jian Xiang

    This product is really amazing! I used to perform once every 1 – 2 weeks. After taking this for about 2 weeks, I am performing 3 times a week!

  70. Edward

    Sour and sweet… With a touch of ginseng and herb taste. Taste 7/10, texture 8/10, convenient 9/10, power 10/10

  71. Beh




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